This is a really really funny story. This is another folklore from Bali. I really like this story. I hope you guys also like this story. I promise you can't stop laughing and smiling once you've finished to read this story. haha... I hope I could make you laugh like I was. From this story, we can learn that even though we are not strong enough, not smart enough, not good enough, as long as we confident with our self, nobody could not mess with our life. Now, let's go to the story...
Once upon a time, there lived a goat named Ni Mesaba who has a daughter named Ni Wingsali. They were very hungry. But, They really want to eat only the young leaves because it't really the delicious one. So, They went to in the middle of the jungle to find a lot of young leaves.
Once they've arrived in the middle of the jungle. They were very happy because they found a lot of delicious leaves to eat. Wingsali ate so many leaves till she almost hurt her tummy. When she was enjoy eating the leaves, suddenly a Tiger came. She was so scared. She ran quickly and hidden behind his mom, Ni Mesaba.
Even though her daughther really scared, either do her, She tried to stay cool. "It's Okay darling. You don't need to be scared. You have to show him a confident face like you don't even scare of him. Mom will handle it. We will fine." Said Mesaba. Then, The Tiger approached both of them and said. "How dare you both come here! Don't you know that this is my area!" Then, Ni Mesaba replied. " How dare you said that to me. Don't you know I can burn you just by looking at you and turn you into ashes just in a glance. My Lord Siva is on my horns. If I want, I could kill and eat you right now. You better run!" Said Mesaba while she was showing her horns as if she want to bump it on Tiger's face.
The Tiger succed fooled by Mesaba. Then, The Tiger ran as fast as he could. Suddenly The tiger met I Bojog (a monkey) who were hanging on a tree branch. "What happened Tiger? Why do you run in hurry? Asked I Bojog. "I am scared of an animal that has a really sharp horn and white and black hair. She could burn me in a glance If I mess with her" I Macan replied. "Do you mean I Mesabe? I Kambing (the goat)? She is my big enemy. You are stronger that her, Why do you scare of her. Let's go back and face her!" No, I might be died if I face her. You can jump through the trees in the forest and it's easy for you to run away!" I Macan replied. "Ok, to make it fair, just tie me with you together." Said I Bojog. I Macan agreed with I Bojog idea. Then, both of them now on the way to face Mesaba.
I Mesaba noticed I Macan and I Bojog came to face her. She tried to stay calm and though what should she do to frighten away both of them. "Mom, I am scared. What should we do now?" Asked Wingsali. " No worries darling." Said Mesaba. Once they faced each other, Mesaba said to I Bojog " Hey Bojog! I think, I told you to bring four tigers before. Why do you only bring one?" Once the tiger heard what Mesaba said, He shivered and ran as fast as he could. He thought that I Bojog cheat on him. He was so panic. He even didn't see the cliff in front of them while he ran away. Then, both of them fell down into the ravine.
I Mesaba noticed I Macan and I Bojog came to face her. She tried to stay calm and though what should she do to frighten away both of them. "Mom, I am scared. What should we do now?" Asked Wingsali. " No worries darling." Said Mesaba. Once they faced each other, Mesaba said to I Bojog " Hey Bojog! I think, I told you to bring four tigers before. Why do you only bring one?" Once the tiger heard what Mesaba said, He shivered and ran as fast as he could. He thought that I Bojog cheat on him. He was so panic. He even didn't see the cliff in front of them while he ran away. Then, both of them fell down into the ravine.
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The Tiger (I Macan) and The Goat (I Kambing) image source |
The end.
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